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NAMIWalks Your Way 2022

The Behavioral Health Wellness Environments for Living and Learning (BH WELL) research team participated in NAMIWalks Your Way 2022 Lexington on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at Masterson Station Fairgrounds in Lexington, Kentucky. BH WELL participated as part of the Eastern State Hospital-based Ambulators team! The event began at 10am with fun activities and food. A program followed at 11:30 with the 5K walk/run beginning  at noon. The walk took place on a paved loop with each participant choosing how far they walk. We hope to see you there next year! Links:

Undergraduate Research + Creative Experience Expo

BH WELL participated in the University of Kentucky's (UK) Undergraduate Research + Creative Experience Expo September 12, 2022 from 11:00 - 1:00 PM​ EST in the Gatton Student Center. About 50 students visited the BH WELL table and were able to ask questions about undergraduate research opportunities with BH WELL, get connected with us on social media, learn about our recent tobacco treatment research, and grab some BH WELL goodies!

BH WELL Educational Outreach

This summer BH WELL delivered educational resources to Lexington community centers, schools, and hospitals, and anywhere kids are!  Included in these resources were educational coloring books, "Bee Smart, Don't Start" and "Bloom Where You Are Planted". These coloring books are a fun way for kids to learn about the benefits of living a healthy life!

33rd International Nursing Research Congress

The Behavioral Health Wellness Environments for Living and Learning (BH WELL) research team presented at the 33rd International Nursing Research Congress held in Edinburgh, Scotland on July 21-25, 2022, a Sigma event. The conference included over 800 nurse researchers, students, and clinicians pursuing evidence-based research.

National Conference on Tobacco OR Health

The Behavioral Health Wellness Environments for Living and Learning (BH WELL) research team presented virtually at the National Conference on Tobacco OR Health (NCTOH) to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 28-30, 2022.

Comic Evaluation with Prize Drawings- Through the Portal: Journey to Health

Read the Comic BH WELL conducted a comic book evaluation with prize drawings! Anyone who helped us evaluate this comic book was eligible to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of six $20 Amazon gift cards. The evaluation was open from  April 6th to July 6th, 2022.

Lewis Honors College Wellness Event

BH WELL team members partnered with Lewis Honors College to host a pop-up wellness event. Honors students at the University of Kentucky enjoyed snacks and participated in a gratitude activity between classes. 

2022 Virtual Kentucky Tobacco Control Conference

BH WELL tabled at the 2022 Virtual Kentucky Tobacco Control Conference held on April 14, 2022. Our booth had 103 visitors with a variety of documents viewed 116 times.  Conference Website

Comic Evaluation with Prize Drawings- When Things Fall Apart: Rise Above

Read the Comic  Evaluate Comic  BH WELL is conducting a comic book evaluation with prize drawings! Would you like to help us evaluate this comic book and be entered into a drawing done once every two weeks for a chance to win one of six $ 20 Amazon gift cards between April 6th to July 6th, 2022? Are you 18 years of age or older?

Quit and Win 2022 at NorthKey

This study challenges individuals to stop tobacco use for 30 days. Those who successfully stop will be entered into a prize drawing. Gift cards will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Recruitment for the study was completed in 2 visits to NorthKey in March 2022. A return visit took place on May 2, 2022, where contest participants will be tested again for carbon monoxide levels.