The following fact sheets and reports were developed by BH WELL.
Fact Sheets and Reports
Here is an infographic with the 5As: a brief intervention for tobacco treatment. The 5 major steps are Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange. Download
5 R's
This infographic defines the 5Rs: a motivational interviewing for tobacco treatment readiness. These 5 steps are to motivate those who smoke and are unwilling to quit. The 5 R's are: Relevance, Risks, Rewards, Roadblocks, and Repetition. Download
Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT)
The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) is a 10-item screening tool developed by the World Health Organization to assess alcohol consumption, behaviors, and related diseases. The purpose of the USAUDIT is to identify individuals with risky patterns of alcohol consumption or an alcohol use disorder. Download
An alcohol, smoking, and substance involvement screening test, developed by the Word Health Organization (WHO) as a simple tool for the identification risky use of tobacco, alcohol, and psychoactive substances. This questionnaire covers a variety of substances such as tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine ... etc. Download
Behavioral Health Tobacco Dependence Treatment for Kentucky Medicaid Recipients
This policy brief entails a proposal for further research regarding tobacco treatment interventions among people with mental illness. Download
Brief Health Screen
A short clinical assessment tool developed by John R Knight, MD and colleagues at the Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research (CeASAR) at Boston Children's Hospital. This instrument is targeting adolescents for substance-use related problems and risks. This tool can be either self-report or administered by the clinician. More Information
Do I Need Help for Depressive Disorder?
Depressive disorders are common but serious mood disorders affecting how one feels, thinks, and handles daily life. Symptoms of depressive disorders can last at least two weeks. The most common features of depressive disorders include feeling sad, empty, or having an irritable mood.
Do I Need Help for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
GAD is persistent and excessive worry about numerous things such as money, health, family, or work. People living with GAD often find it difficult to control their worries. They may worry more than seems warranted about actual events or may expect the worst even when there is no apparent reason for concern.
Do I Need Help for Intimate Partner Violence?
Intimate Partner Violence is abuse by a live-in partner, former live-in partner, or someone with whom you have a significant relationship. Intimate Partner Violence can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender.
Do I Need Help for Suicide?
Suicidality is the risk of suicide either by thinking about or intending to die by suicide and having a plan to do it.
Do I Need Help for Trauma?
Individual trauma is an event or circumstance resulting in physical harm, emotional harm, and/or life-threatening harm. It has lasting adverse effects on the individual's mental, physical, emotional, social, and/or spiritual health.
How Can I Practice Self Care?
Read this pdf to learn more about how you can practice self-care.
LAIs vs Oral Antipsychotics
Long-acting injectable (LAI) and oral antipsychotics are currently prescribed to treat schizophrenia. However, few patients diagnosed with schizophrenia adhere to antipsychotic medications due to cognitive challenges, access to care, finances, transportation, etc. resulting in rehospitalizations, symptoms returning and poor quality of life. The use of LAI antipsychotics seems promising in increasing medication compliance among patients with schizophrenia.
Older Adult Self Care Activities
Read this pdf about how you can practice self-care.
Stopping Tobacco Use Promotes Recovery Among People Living with Mental Illnesses
This brief presents the tobacco use disparities among individuals living with mental illness. Tobacco use hinders recovery by increasing poor physical health outcomes, exacerbating mental health symptoms, causing individuals to have less expendable income, and presenting challenges to affordable housing. Download
Strategic Plan 2021-2025
The mission of BH WELL is to promote behavioral health and wellness among individuals facing behavioral health challenges.
Tobacco Treatment Pharmacotherapy Options
This infographic is a quick reference tool for healthcare providers to view tobacco treatment pharmacotherapy options as well as nicotine withdrawal management pharmacotherapy. It also includes a quick guide to a best practice evidence-based clinician approach. Download
Tobacco Treatment Reimbursement Guide
A Guide for Kentucky Mental and Behavioral Healthcare Providers. Download
Tobacco Treatment Specialists
A TTS is someone who has a thorough understanding and the required training to carry out evidence-based interventions that help individuals struggling with tobacco addiction. They are experts in addressing the negative health impacts of tobacco use, providing support for individuals who desire tobacco use treatment and advocating strategies to promote tobacco-free environments.
Tobacco Use and Suicide Risk
As rates of mental health challenges increase in the United States, reducing risk factors for suicide remains a public health concern. Tobacco use is an important factor associated with increased suicide risk. Download
What Are Long Acting Injectables
Long acting injectable antipsychotics, originally developed to improve medication adherence, are injectable fonnulations of oral antipsychotics that can be administered at varying intervals.