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BH WELL participated in UK's Curiosity Fair on October 12, 2021 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM​ EST in the Gatton Student Center Ballroom. The BH WELL table had about 60 visitors who were offered a chance to practice gratitude, grab some goodies, and take the “BH WELL” challenge. Whether it’s during a pandemic, prepping for an exam, or just walking through life, we all deserve to BH WELL! 

The Curiosity Fair is a tabling-style event with groups from a variety of disciplines such as science, humanities, and the arts. The purpose of the event is to (1) show that learning is fun! and (2) showcase diverse areas of research and scholarship at UK. The event promotes curiosity by engaging participants in interactive demos and informal conversations with presenters which were designed to highlight interest in something new.  Everyone at UK and the Lexington community is invited to attend. Learn More about the Curiosity Fair here. 

View What Students Said They Are Grateful For