APNA 38th Annual Conference
The American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) 38th Annual Conference took place from October 9th - 12th, 2024, at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The theme of the conference was Bringing Connection to Life for Ourselves, Those we Serve, & Each Other.
The Behavioral Health Wellness Environments for Living and Learning (BH WELL) research team attended the conference, presented both platform and poster presentations, and hosted a table in the Exhibit Hall.
APNA "champions psychiatric-mental health nursing and mental health care through the development of positions on key issues, the dissemination of current knowledge and developments in PMH nursing, and collaboration with stakeholders to promote advances in recovery-focused assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of persons with mental health disorders." BH WELL Director Dr. Zim Okoli served on the APNA Board as Immediate Past President during the time of this event. In addition, BH WELL Graduate Research Assistant Sarret Seng served as APNA Kentucky Chapter President.
For more information on the 38th Annual APNA Conference visit their website.
The Behavioral Health Wellness Environments for Living and Learning (BH WELL) research team exists to promote behavioral health and wellness among individuals facing behavioral health challenges.
BH WELL's Conference Presentations
Abufarsakh, B., Okoli, C., Darville, A., Williams, L., & Martin, C. (2024, Oct). The Connections Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stressors, and Tobacco Use Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Abufarsakh, B., Okoli, C., Williams, L., Darville, A., & Martin, C. (2024, Oct). The Reliability and Validity of the 10-item ACEs Questionnaire for Screening Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Individuals Living with Mental Illness Who Use Tobacco: Connecting Research Evidence with Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Practice October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Almogheer, Z., Seng, S., Makowski, A., Gray, H., Koyagi, E., & Okoli, C. (2024, Oct). The Effect of Kentucky’s Tele-mental Health Expansion on Medicaid Providers’ Delivery of and Satisfaction with Tele-mental Health October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Landis, S., Wang, T., & Okoli, C. (2024, Oct). Examining Differences in Anti-psychotic Treatment Adherence by Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis (Schizophrenia vs. Schizoaffective Disorder) October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Okoli, C., Abufarsakh, B., Seng, S., Robertson, H., & Koyagi, E. (2024, Oct). Connecting People with Mental Health Challenges Who Use Tobacco to Opportunities for Cessation: The Behavioral Health Quit and Win Program October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Robertson, H., Abufarsakh, B., Seng, S., Almogheer, Z., & Okoli, C. (2024, Oct). Tobacco Treatment Engagement and Delivery within Assertive Community Treatment Services: Connecting Provider and Consumers Perspectives October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Seng, S., Almogheer, Z., Makowski, A., Gray, H., Koyagi, E., & Okoli, C. (2024, Oct). The Effect of Telehealth Service Expansion on Beneficiaries with Mental and Behavioral Health Challenges October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Wang, T., Makowski, A., Cooley, A., & Okoli, C. (2024, Oct). Long-Acting Antipsychotic Medications Compared to Orals: Making Connections Between Treatment Adherence and Healthcare Utilization Outcomes for People with Schizophrenia Who are Medicaid Beneficiaries October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Eastern State Hospital's Conference Presentations
Arnett, J. (2024, Oct). The Impact a Nurse Recruiter has on Nursing Staff Shortages and Nurse Manager Satisfaction in an Acute Psychiatric Facility October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Bryant, K. (2024, Oct). The Impact of an Educational Training to Front-line Nurses and Providers to Reduce Seclusion and Restraint: Assessing Knowledge, Practices, and Attitudes October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Bryant, K., Pettrey, T., & Woods, M. (2024, Oct). Bringing Safety to Life: Staff Safety Initiatives at a State Psychiatric Facility October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Hensley, J., Barnes, J., Bryant, K., Woods, M., & Okoli, C. (2024, Oct). Connecting Patient Needs to Appropriate Interventions: A Pilot Study of the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression (DASA) October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
McKinney, T. (2024, Oct). The Effect of an Educational Intervention on Clinical RN Knowledge and Attitudes Toward a Shared Governance Program at ESH October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Woods, M., McKinney, T., Lykins, A., & Okoli, C. (2024, Oct). Eastern State Hospital: Celebrating 200 Years of Connecting to Ourselves, Those We Serve, & Each Other Through Psychiatric Nursing Excellence in Kentucky October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.
Van Outer, M. (2024, Oct). Improving Structural Empowerment through the Co-creation of a Professional Governance Program of Nurse Managers and Front-line Nurses October 9-12. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky.