"Don't underestimate your ability to have a significant impact on the lives of those you love. Simply by asking them or pointing out certain changes in their behaviors that you've become concerned about can start the conversation about their well-being. Connecting them to healthcare professionals can help them create a safety plan that includes resources, people, and services that they can access when they begin feeling suicidal."

Suicide Prevention
Today on the vlog we have with us Marc Woods, Assistant Chief Nurse Executive for Behavioral Health at UK Healthcare. Marc discusses suicide prevention and emphasizes the importance of understanding your ability to have an impact on the lives of those you love. He explains that simply asking friends and family about concerning changes in their behavior is a simple start to a conversation about suicide prevention. Asking someone if they are contemplating suicide can make a difference. Connecting them to healthcare professionals can lead them to create a safety plan for when they are feeling suicidal. For more information visit the Columbia Lighthouse Project.
If you or someone you love is contemplating suicide, there is hope. Please contact the national suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit the suicide prevention lifeline.