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BH WELL's own self-paced tobacco-use treatment program with 8 modules. The modules include: Balancing Your DecisionKnowing Your TriggersStarting to PlanCoping with WithdrawalManaging EmotionsHealthy LivingStaying Positive and Supportive, and Relapse Prevention.


Welcome to the Orientation session of BREATHE Easy: get help stopping tobacco use. In the following 8 sessions, you will receive important information and tips to help you quit smoking and stay stopped.  

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Session 1 Balancing Your Decision

Welcome to Session 1 of BREATHE Easy: get help stopping tobacco use. This session is going to help you in getting motivated to quit stop smoking. This session will cover the stages of stopping smoking, nicotine replacement therapy or NRT, the pros and cons of smoking, and some tips to get you started. 

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Session 2 Know Your Triggers

This session will help you know and deal with triggers while quitting smoking. In this session, we will cover types of triggers, some coping strategies, and how to make a coping plan for yourself. 

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Session 3 Starting to Plan

This session will help you make a plan for stopping tobacco use. In this session, we will review smoking patterns, plan for change and look at the PHALT Chart. 

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Session 4 Coping With Withdrawal

This session is going to help you cope with withdrawal. In this session, we are going to review the effects of withdrawal and the benefits of quitting. 

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Session 5 Managing our Emotions- Stress

This session is going to help you manage your emotions, particularly stress. In this session, we are going to review what is balance, understanding stress, some tools for managing stress, and a personal stress management plan. 

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Session 6 Healthy Living

This session is going to help you with ways to have a healthier lifestyle. In this session, we are going to review the importance of eating well and physical activity when stopping smoking. 

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Session 7 Staying Positive and Supportive

This session is going to help you with staying positive and supported. In this session, we are going to review self-talk, reframing our thinking, personal bill of rights, and social support. 

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Session 8 Relapse Prevention

This session is going to help you know how to prevent a relapse from occurring after stopping tobacco use. In this session, we are going to review the difference between a slip and a relapse, and relapse prevention plans. 

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The Tobacco Dependence Clinic's 8-week program is based on the transtheoretical model of change. It focuses on moving people from contemplation to action and provides the tools for maintaining change. The weeks can be broken down into three subsections: developing awareness, making a plan, and sustaining change. For the full manuals, see the facilitator and participant guides linked below. 

Tobacco Dependence Clinic Facilitator’s Guide

This manual was developed based on over 50 years of evidence-based science. This tailored approach to tobacco treatment evolved out of three years of feedback from program participants, the feedback and expertise of colleagues, and further research in the field of tobacco dependence treatment. The 8-week program is based on the transtheoretical model of change. For more information click here.

Tobacco Dependence Clinic Participant’s Guide

Stopping smoking does not occur all at once. It happens over time. Researchers have found that there are 5 stages to quitting: Pre-Contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance. For more information and the full 8-week program, click here.

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