BH WELL wants to know how YOU like to BH WELL! So we are issuing the #BHWellChallenge! Let us know how you like to BH WELL and it may end up posted on our website or social media. Here are some ways that others like to BH WELL. If you want to be part of the BH WELL Challenge, please complete this form and one of our team members will get back to you with details.
How I Like to BH WELL Series
Curiosity fair participants share how they like to BH Well.
I like to BH Well By Fishing
Corey shares how he likes to BH Well. Sign up for a guided fishing trip with him here.
How I like to BH Well Round 2
Watch this video to show how various UK students practice self-care as part of the #BHWellChallenge.

What Do You Plan to Do for You Today?
Senior Lecturer Jennifer Cowley’s nursing students shared how they plan to practice self-care as part of the #BHWellChallenge. This word cloud shows their responses. The larger the word, the more students who gave that answer.
How I like to BH Well Round 1
Dr. Walmsley’s Nursing Health Promotion class took the BH WELL Challenge. Watch their video as they share how they like to BH WELL!
I like to BH WELL by Watching Birds
The #BHWellChallenge is “quick and fun!”