The survey data has been transformed into key performance indicators (KPIs). KVC has five KPIs across all of their programming. Through a quarterly quality assurance process, they analyze the data and feed it back into the programming. They also report the survey results and trends to their staff. This tool has been a key in evaluating the effectiveness of their work. It is a central product to their work.
The instrument included an open response item as well. For KVC clientele, progress is often in small steps and the work can be challenging. Sharing positive feedback from consumers with the staff provides a sense of accomplishment and encouragement that progress is being made despite what they see at the moment.
Klyachkin shares that she is often told, "I didn't have a good experience with therapy. I don't want to try again." She continues, “Mental health is important and there are a lot of problems we can't solve on our own. Being able to feel comfortable that you can seek support, and that you'll have a good experience is really important.”
Dungan closes by saying “The partnership that we have developed with the College of Nursing and BH WELL, and Dr. Okoli specifically, has had a lasting impact on our agency because of this integral tool. We always think of BH WELL when we have new opportunities that we could include them in.”